What is a Septum Piercing and What Gauge is Suitable for You?

Septum Piercing

Thinking about getting a septum piercing? It's a stylish and unique way to express yourself. A septum piercing goes through the thin piece of skin between your nostrils, giving you the option to show it off or keep it hidden, depending on the jewelry you choose. This type of piercing has become quite popular for its versatility and distinctive look. When it comes to picking the right gauge for your septum piercing or any kind of piercing such as helix, conch, tragus and daith, it's all about finding what feels comfortable and looks good on you. The gauge refers to the thickness of the jewelry, and choosing the right one can make a big difference. Most people start with a standard size, but there are different options depending on your personal style and anatomy. It's important to discuss this with your piercer to ensure you get the best fit. Whether you're just curious or ready to get a septum piercing, understanding the basics and how to choose the right gauge will help you make an informed decision.

What is a Septum Piercing?

A septum piercing is a type of body piercing located in the thin piece of cartilage that separates the nostrils, called the septum. It's a popular choice for those looking to add a unique and edgy touch to their style. The piercing process involves a professional piercer using a small needle to create a hole in the septum, where a piece of jewelry, such as a ring or horseshoe, is then inserted. This type of piercing has been around for centuries and is found in various cultures around the world.

One of the reasons people love septum piercings is because of their versatility. The jewelry can range from simple and subtle to bold and ornate, allowing individuals to express their personal style. Septum piercings can be easily hidden if needed. By flipping the jewelry up inside the nose, it becomes virtually invisible, making it a great option for those who may need to keep their piercings discreet for work or other reasons.

Healing times for septum piercings can vary from each piercing such as rook piercing, but typically, it takes septum piercing about six to eight weeks for the initial healing process. During this time, it's important to follow the aftercare instructions provided by your piercer to avoid infections and ensure proper healing. This usually involves cleaning the piercing with a saline solution and avoiding unnecessary touching or twisting of the jewelry. Once healed, septum piercings can be a fun and stylish addition to your look.

Where is a Septum Piercing?

A septum piercing is located in the center part of your nose, specifically in the thin area of flesh that separates your nostrils. This spot is often referred to as the "sweet spot" because it's a softer section of tissue that makes the piercing process a bit easier. Think of it as the little gap between the bottom of your nose and the cartilage higher up. When done correctly, the piercing should be in this softer tissue, not through the hard cartilage. This placement helps in making the piercing less painful and allows for a smoother healing process.

What Gauge is Suitable for a Septum Piercing?

When it comes to septum piercings, the gauge refers to the thickness of the jewelry that's used. For most people, a septum piercing is done with either a 16 gauge (1.2mm) or a 14 gauge (1.6mm) needle.

The most common size is 16 gauge, which is slightly thinner and often more comfortable for those new to septum piercings. However, some people prefer the 14 gauge for a more substantial look or if they plan on stretching their piercing later on.

In some cases, piercings might be done with an 18 gauge (1.0mm) needle, which is even thinner and might be used for a more delicate look. On the other hand, a 12 gauge (2.0mm) needle is thicker and usually chosen by those who want a bolder appearance or plan to stretch their piercing significantly.

It's important to consult with your piercer to decide the best gauge for you, based on your personal style and comfort level. They can provide guidance on what size will work best for your anatomy and desired look. Remember, the right gauge can make a big difference in your piercing experience and healing process.

Here are some common gauge sizes and what you need to know about each:

18 Gauge (1.0 mm): This is one of the thinnest gauges available for septum piercings. It’s a good choice if you want a subtle look, but it’s not as common because thinner jewelry can be more prone to bending.

16 Gauge (1.2 mm): This is the most common size for septum piercings. It’s thick enough to be durable but not too thick to cause excessive pain or discomfort. It’s also easier to find jewelry in this size.

14 Gauge (1.6 mm): Some people prefer a slightly thicker look, and a 14 gauge provides that. It’s also more durable than thinner gauges and can handle heavier jewelry if you decide to change it up later.

12 Gauge (2.0 mm) and Larger: These thicker gauges are less common but can create a bold and dramatic look. They’re typically used by those who have stretched their septum piercings over time.

Why Get a Septum Piercing?

There are many reasons why people choose to get a septum piercing. Here are a few:

Aesthetic Appeal: Septum piercings can be very attractive and add a unique touch to your look. They’re versatile, too, with many different types of jewelry to choose from. Whether you prefer a simple ring or something more elaborate, there are plenty of options to match your style.

Cultural Significance: For some, septum piercings have cultural or spiritual significance. They’re worn by various indigenous groups and can symbolize status, strength, or beauty. Having a septum piercing can be a way to honor and connect with cultural traditions and heritage.

Easy to Hide: Unlike other facial piercings, a septum piercing can be easily hidden if needed. You can flip the jewelry up inside your nostrils for a more discreet look. This makes it a great choice for those who need to keep a professional appearance at work or in other settings.

Choosing the Right Gauge for You

The right gauge for your septum piercing depends on several factors, including your personal preference, anatomy, and future plans for your piercing. Here are some tips to help you decide:

Consult Your Piercer: Always talk to your piercer about the best gauge size for you. They can assess your anatomy and recommend a gauge that will work well with your septum.

Consider Your Pain Tolerance: Thicker gauges can be more painful to pierce initially, so if you have a low pain tolerance, you might want to start with a thinner gauge and work your way up.

Think About Jewelry Options: Some jewelry styles are more readily available in certain gauge sizes. If you have a specific type of jewelry in mind, make sure it’s available in the gauge you’re considering.

Future Plans: If you plan to stretch your septum piercing in the future, starting with a slightly thicker gauge can make the process easier.

How much is a Septum Piercing?

Getting a septum piercing can vary in cost depending on where you go and the type of jewelry you choose. On average, you can expect to pay anywhere from $40 to $100 for the piercing itself. This price usually includes the cost of the jewelry and the service fee. However, in some high-end piercing studios or in large cities, the price can go even higher. It's always a good idea to call ahead and ask about the pricing at your chosen piercing studio.

Another factor that can affect the cost is the type of jewelry you select. Basic surgical steel or titanium rings tend to be on the lower end of the price spectrum, while more elaborate pieces made from gold or adorned with gems can cost significantly more. It's important to choose high-quality, hypoallergenic jewelry to avoid any complications or allergic reactions. Some studios might also offer a variety of styles and materials, giving you a wide range of options to suit your budget and taste.

In addition to the initial cost of the piercing and jewelry, don't forget to budget for aftercare products. Proper cleaning solutions and care items are essential to ensure your piercing heals well and doesn't get infected. These products can add an extra $10 to $20 to your overall expense. Investing in good aftercare is crucial for a smooth healing process, so make sure to include it in your budget when planning for your septum piercing.


Cost Range

Piercing Service Fee

$40 - $100

Basic Jewelry (Surgical Steel/Titanium)

$10 - $30

Premium Jewelry (Gold/Gems)

$50 - $200

Aftercare Products

$10 - $20


Jewelry Options for Septum Piercings

There are variety of septum piercing jewelry options available. Here are some popular choices:

  1. Captive Bead Rings

Captive bead rings are a popular choice for septum piercings. They consist of a circular ring with a small bead that holds the ring together. These rings are versatile and come in various sizes, allowing you to choose the perfect fit for your style. They’re also easy to clean and change, making them a convenient option for everyday wear. Whether you prefer a simple design or something more ornate, captive bead rings offer plenty of choices.

  1. Circular Barbells

Circular barbells, also known as horseshoe barbells, are another great option for septum piercings. They have a distinctive horseshoe shape with beads on either end, which can be easily unscrewed for changing. This type of jewelry allows for a snug fit and can be flipped up into the nose for a more discreet look when needed. Circular barbells come in various materials and styles, from plain metals to colorful designs, giving you lots of room to express your personality.

  1. Septum Clickers

Septum clickers are perfect for those who want an easy-to-use and stylish option. These pieces of jewelry have a hinged mechanism that clicks open and shut, making them very simple to insert and remove. They come in a wide array of designs, from minimalist to elaborate, often featuring intricate patterns and gemstones. Septum clickers are a great way to add a bit of flair to your look without much hassle.

  1. Seamless Rings

Seamless rings provide a sleek and continuous look for septum piercings. As the name suggests, these rings have no visible seams or hinges, giving them a smooth appearance. They can be a bit trickier to insert and remove compared to other types, but their clean and minimalistic look makes them worth the effort. Seamless rings are available in different metals and finishes, allowing for a sophisticated yet understated style.

  1. Retainers

For those times when you need to hide your septum piercing, retainers are the way to go. These pieces of jewelry are usually made from clear or flesh-toned materials, making them nearly invisible. They’re ideal for professional settings or when you simply want a more discreet look. Retainers ensure that your piercing remains open and healthy while providing the option to be less noticeable.


knowing what a septum piercing is and choosing the right gauge are important steps to a safe and enjoyable experience. A septum piercing is a stylish option with many jewelry choices, from delicate rings to bold clickers. Typically, a 16 or 14 gauge works for most people, but your piercer can help you find the best fit for you. By learning about the process and seeking professional advice, you can enjoy your new septum piercing.

If you are looking for piercing jewelry, buy from our online store, Erica Jewels. We offer a variety of hypoallergenic options, and you can take advantage of our great discounts and offers. Visit our website and find the perfect piece for your style!



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