The Ultimate Guide to Daith Piercings

daith jewelry

If you’re thinking about getting a daith piercing, you’re not alone. This stylish and edgy ear piercing has been gaining popularity for its unique look and potential health benefits. Whether you’re a piercing enthusiast or a first-timer, there’s a lot to learn about daith piercings. From the process and aftercare to jewelry options and potential benefits, this ultimate guide will cover everything you need to know.

What is a Daith Piercing?

A Daith piercing is a unique and stylish type of ear piercing that goes through the innermost cartilage fold of the ear. Unlike traditional ear piercings that adorn the earlobe, a Daith piercing is situated in the small fold of cartilage just above the ear canal. This piercing has gained popularity not only for its distinct and edgy look but also because it is believed by some to help with migraines and anxiety through the stimulation of pressure points.

The process of getting a Daith piercing involves using a hollow needle to create the hole, which can be slightly more painful compared to lobe piercings due to the thickness of the cartilage. However, many find the pain to be manageable and worth the result. Healing time can vary, typically ranging from three to six months, depending on aftercare and individual healing rates. Proper aftercare, including regular cleaning and avoiding unnecessary touching, is crucial to ensure a smooth healing process and prevent infections.

The Process of Getting a Daith Piercing

Preparation: Before starting, the piercer will clean your ear thoroughly to prevent any infections. This step is crucial to ensure a safe and sterile environment. They will then mark the exact spot where the piercing will go, ensuring precision. This marking helps in placing the piercing accurately according to your preference and ear anatomy. A moment of verification with you ensures you’re satisfied with the placement.

Piercing: Using a sterile needle, the piercer will quickly and precisely pierce the cartilage. You’ll feel a sharp pinch, but it’s over in seconds. This part of the process is swift and is handled with great care to minimize discomfort. The piercer's expertise ensures that the piercing is done smoothly and correctly, reducing the risk of complications.

Jewelry Insertion: Right after the piercing, the piercer will insert the jewelry of your choice. Typically, a captive bead ring or a curved barbell is used. This initial jewelry is selected for its suitability for new piercings, allowing for proper healing. The insertion is done carefully to avoid any irritation or discomfort.



1. Research and Choose a Professional Piercer

Look for a reputable piercing studio with experienced piercers. Check reviews and ensure they follow proper hygiene practices.

2. Consultation

Schedule a consultation to discuss your desired piercing, ask questions, and understand the procedure. The piercer will examine your ear to determine if a Daith piercing is suitable for you.

3. Preparation

On the day of the piercing, ensure you have eaten and are well-hydrated. Bring a valid ID for age verification.

4. Clean the Area

The piercer will clean your ear thoroughly with an antiseptic solution to prevent infection.

5. Mark the Piercing Spot

The piercer will mark the precise spot for the piercing, ensuring it is correctly placed for aesthetics and healing.

6. Piercing the Daith

Using a sterilized needle, the piercer will quickly and precisely create the hole in your Daith. You might feel a brief, sharp pain.

7. Insert the Jewelry

The piercer will insert the initial jewelry, typically a curved barbell or captive bead ring, made of hypoallergenic material.


Pain Level of Daith Piercing

Getting a daith piercing can be a bit painful, but the level of discomfort varies from person to person. The daith is a small fold of cartilage located just above the ear canal, making it a thicker and more sensitive area to pierce. Most people report feeling a sharp, intense pinch during the actual piercing, followed by a dull, throbbing pain as the piercing heals. However, pain tolerance is highly individual, so what might be quite painful for one person could be much more manageable for another. It’s also important to consider that the skill and experience of the piercer can significantly influence the level of pain experienced.

After the initial piercing, the healing process can also involve some discomfort. It's normal to experience soreness, swelling, and tenderness for a few days to a couple of weeks. Proper aftercare, including regular cleaning and avoiding unnecessary touching or moving of the piercing, can help minimize pain and prevent complications. If you experience severe pain, excessive swelling, or signs of infection, it's crucial to consult with a professional piercer or healthcare provider. Overall, while getting a daith piercing does come with some pain, many find the unique and stylish look well worth the temporary discomfort.

Daith Piercing Healing Time

Daith piercing healing time varies from person to person, but generally, it takes around 6 to 9 months to heal completely. The initial healing phase lasts about 4 to 6 weeks, during which the most crucial care is required to prevent infections and promote proper healing. During this period, it is essential to follow aftercare instructions meticulously, such as cleaning the piercing with a saline solution and avoiding any unnecessary touching or movement of the jewelry. It's also advisable to avoid sleeping on the pierced side and to be cautious of hair products, headphones, or anything else that might irritate the area.

As the healing progresses, some individuals might experience mild discomfort or occasional irritation, which is normal. It's important to continue practicing good hygiene and avoid exposing the piercing to dirty water, such as in swimming pools or hot tubs. Regular check-ins with your piercer can help ensure the piercing is healing correctly and address any concerns promptly. Remember, patience and proper care are key to a successful healing process for your daith piercing.

Comparing Daith Piercings with Other Piercings

Helix Piercing

  • Location: Upper ear cartilage
  • Pain Level: 4-5/10
  • Healing Time: 6-12 months
  • Summary: Helix piercings are less painful and heal quicker than daith piercings. They are highly visible, allowing for various jewelry options. Ideal for those who enjoy changing their look frequently. Maintenance is relatively easy with proper care.

Conch Piercing

  • Location: Middle part of the ear cartilage
  • Pain Level: 6/10
  • Healing Time: 6-9 months
  • Summary: Conch piercings offer a bold and striking appearance. They are similar in pain and healing time to daith piercings. Larger jewelry can be used for a dramatic effect. Great for those wanting a standout ear piercing.

Tragus Piercing

  • Location: Small cartilage flap over the ear canal
  • Pain Level: 5/10
  • Healing Time: 3-6 months
  • Summary: Tragus piercings are stylish and subtle, making them a popular choice. They are slightly less painful and heal faster than daith piercings. Suitable for a discreet yet fashionable look. Easy to maintain with proper aftercare.

Forward Helix Piercing

  • Location: Outer rim of the ear, closest to the head
  • Pain Level: 4-6/10
  • Healing Time: 3-9 months
  • Summary: Forward helix piercings can be done in multiples for a unique look. They are less painful but need careful aftercare. Perfect for a stylish and sophisticated appearance. Offers versatility in jewelry choices.

Septum Piercing

  • Location: Middle of the nose, between the nostrils
  • Pain Level: 4-5/10
  • Healing Time: 6-8 weeks
  • Summary: Septum piercings are versatile and can be easily hidden or flaunted. They are less painful and heal faster than daith piercings. Ideal for those who want flexibility in showing their piercing. Offers a wide range of jewelry styles.

Rook Piercing

  • Location: Upper inner ridge of the ear cartilage
  • Pain Level: 6/10
  • Healing Time: 6-9 months
  • Summary: Rook piercings provide a unique and edgy look. They are comparable in pain and healing time to daith piercings. Perfect for those wanting a distinct ear piercing. Requires diligent aftercare for proper healing.

Potential Benefits of Daith Piercings

Beyond the aesthetic appeal, some people believe that daith piercings can offer health benefits, particularly for migraines and anxiety.

Migraine Relief

There’s a popular belief that daith piercings can help alleviate migraines. This theory suggests that the piercing targets a pressure point in the ear that’s associated with migraine relief, similar to acupuncture. While there’s a lot of anecdotal evidence supporting this, scientific research is limited. If you suffer from migraines, it’s always best to consult with a healthcare professional.

Anxiety Relief

Some people also claim that daith piercings can help reduce anxiety. This is thought to be due to the piercing stimulating a vagus nerve pressure point. Again, while many people swear by it, more scientific research is needed to confirm these benefits.

Where to Buy Jewelry for Daith Piercing?

When it comes to finding the perfect jewelry for your daith piercing, look no further than our online store, Erica Jewels. We specialize in hypoallergenic earrings that are safe and comfortable for all types of piercings. Our selection includes flat back earrings, hypoallergenic stud earrings, and stylish huggie earrings, ensuring you find the perfect piece for your unique style and needs.

At Erica Jewels, we offer fantastic deals to make your shopping experience even better:

  • BUY 3 GET 1 FREE: Add four items to your cart and get one of them for free. It's a great way to expand your jewelry collection while saving money.
  • BUY 5 GET 2 FREE: Purchase seven items for the price of five. This offer is perfect for those who love to mix and match their earrings.
  • FREE SHIPPING OVER $88 CAD: Enjoy free shipping on orders over $88 CAD, making it easier and more affordable to get the jewelry you love.

Shop with us at Erica Jewels for high-quality, hypoallergenic jewelry that enhances your daith piercing while keeping your ears comfortable and stylish.

Choosing the Right Jewelry

Selecting the right daith jewelry is key for both aesthetics and comfort. Here are some popular options:


Small, seamless hoops are a timeless choice for daith piercings. They gently hug the curve of the ear, creating a minimalist and elegant look. Their continuous design reduces snagging, making them comfortable for daily wear. Hoop earrings come in various sizes and materials, allowing for personalized style and versatility.


Clickers are known for their ease of use, making them a favorite for daith piercings. They feature a hinged segment that clicks open and shut, ensuring secure placement while being easy to insert and remove. This practicality makes them ideal for those who like to switch their jewelry frequently. Clicker earrings also come in a range of designs, from simple to ornate, catering to different tastes.

Captive Bead Rings (CBRs)

Captive bead rings are a sleek and stylish option for daith piercings. The design includes a bead that is held in place by the tension of the ring, creating a seamless and secure fit. This type of jewelry offers a modern and clean aesthetic, suitable for both casual and formal settings. CBRs are available in various sizes and finishes, making them a versatile choice for any look.

Common Problems and Solutions


Infections can occur if the piercing is not properly cared for. Signs of infection include redness, swelling, and discharge. If you suspect an infection, clean the piercing thoroughly and consider consulting a healthcare professional.

Jewelry Rejection

Sometimes, your body might reject the jewelry, causing it to move closer to the surface of the skin. If this happens, visit your piercer to discuss alternative jewelry options.

Hypertrophic Scarring

This is a common issue where a small bump forms around the piercing. It’s usually not serious and can be treated with saline soaks and over-the-counter treatments.

Aftercare Tips

Taking care of your new piercing is crucial. Here are some tips to ensure smooth healing:

  1. Clean Twice Daily: Use a saline solution or a mixture of sea salt and warm water. Dip a cotton ball and gently clean around the piercing.
  2. Avoid Touching: Resist the urge to touch or twist your piercing. Your hands can transfer bacteria.
  3. Be Mindful of Hair and Headphones: Avoid hair products getting into the piercing and be careful when using headphones.
  4. Sleep Position: Try not to sleep on the side with the new piercing to reduce pressure and irritation.


Daith piercings are a unique and stylish choice for anyone looking to add a new piece to their ear collection. While the process can be a bit painful, the end result is often worth it. Remember to choose a reputable piercer, follow proper aftercare instructions, and be patient during the healing process. Whether you’re getting it for the potential health benefits or just because it looks cool, a daith piercing can be a great addition to your style.


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