How To Choose The Best Earrings For You

How To Choose The Best Earrings For You
How To Choose The Best Earrings For You
“I am looking for a great pair of earrings but I’m not sure which to go with. How do I know which earrings will look best on me?”

This is a classical question! Now is a great time to look for earrings because they are the must have accessory for Winter. When chosen wisely, earrings can enhance your best features, as well as add color and personality to an outfit. There’s more to choosing earrings than just picking out a pair that catches your eye. Here’s how to choose earrings that’ll flatter your face, hair, and personality:

Oval faces feature foreheads that are as wide as the cheekbones. The face narrows from the cheeks to the chin, creating the oval shape. Women with oval shaped faces can wear almost every style of earring. I think one of the most striking looks for those with an oval shaped face are oval shaped dangle earrings. This pair of 18 karat white and yellow gold earrings draw attention to the elongated face shape without adding any length or width.

Round faces are exactly as they sound: the widest point is across the cheekbones, narrowing some at the forehead and jaw line. Women with round shaped faces look best in long angular styles. Dangle and teardrop styles are also great choices which help to elongate the face. Earrings with a thin or medium width like these graduated diamond dangle earrings are not only dramatic but also elegant and feminine.

Heart shaped faces feature a forehead that is wider than the cheeks. The cheeks further taper down to the chin. Earrings with elongated lines and curves will be most flattering to heart shaped faces. The elongated curves of these diamond and Pink Sapphire teardrop earrings help to balance out the face and draw attention to the eyes, cheekbones and jaw line.

Square shaped faces do not narrow much from the cheekbone to the forehead, nor from the cheekbone to the jaw line. Elongated, dangling and hoop earrings are most flattering for square shaped faces. Earrings with rounded designs will soften the cheekbones and the jaw line. Oversized hoop earrings that brush or extend below the jaw line like these stunning diamond hoops are my favorite look for this face shape.

Narrow (or rectangular shaped) faces have the same general shape as the square face but are more elongated. Long dangle earrings tend to minimize the length of very narrow faces. I recommend dangle earrings with elongated curves like these triple teardrop dangles that will accentuate the cheekbones and add softness.

Not sure about your face shape or want a pair of earrings for all occasions? Diamond studs are for you. The sparkle and shine of diamond earrings make them an instant eye-catcher. They will take you from casual wear on the weekends to your fanciest black tie event effortlessly.

Choose Earrings Based on Your Hair Color & Length
Although there are no set rules for choosing earrings based on hair color, if you have blonde or a more golden hair color, gold earrings may be more flattering on you than platinum. Likewise, dark haired women tend to find platinum to be more complimentary. If you have red hair, gold is striking, but you may want to venture into rose gold which I think looks stunning on most redheads. In general, if you have short hair that leaves your earlobes exposed, you can wear any earrings you choose. For long hair, the best choice is long dangling earrings or bright colors with sparkle and shine-you want them to show! However, if you are going to wear your hair up, your choices are endless

Choose Earrings Based on Your Personality
Earrings should be fun and make a statement about who you are. Why not experiment a bit and see what earring designs work best for you? Earrings can be a fun and flattering way to enhance your wardrobe as well as your appearance.


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